Browsing by Author Sah, Ram Charitra

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
RES01040-SAH-2021.pdf.jpg2021Brief on lead in paints and compliance status in NepalSah, Ram Charitra
675.pdf.jpg2012Environmental Health Condition of Hospitals in NepalSah, Ram Charitra
RES01039-SAH-2021.pdf.jpgOct-2021National report: compliance monitoring of lead paint standard in NepalSah, Ram Charitra
675_CEPHED 2012 Lead in Lipstick- final print.pdf.jpg2012Poisonous Cosmetics: The problem of lead in Lipsticks in NepalSah, Ram Charitra
678_CEPHED 2012, Mercury in Skin Whterning Creams Final Print.pdf.jpg2012Poisonous Cosmetics: The problem of mercury in skin whitening creams in NepalSah, Ram Charitra
680_Study of Lead in Paint in Nepal 2010.pdf.jpg2010Study of Lead in Paints in NepalSah, Ram Charitra; Yadav, Kameshwar
RES01038-SAH-2021.pdf.jpgOct-2021Study of lead in spray paints, NepalSah, Ram Charitra; Banmala, Sachita
677_Stud of Lead in Imitation Jewelry Toxics Jewelry , CEPHED 2012.pdf.jpg2012Toxic Jewelry: An investigation of lead in imitation jewelry in NepalSah, Ram Charitra