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Title: Clinical Profile of COVID-19 Patients Admitted in a COVID Designated Hospital
Authors: Ghimire, Pukar
Pokharel, Anuradha
Aryal, Prakash
Bhandari, Rajan
Bhandari, Bibek
Citation: GhimireP., PokharelA., AryalP., BhandariR., & BhandariB. (2021). Clinical Profile of COVID-19 Patients Admitted in a COVID Designated Hospital . Journal of Nepal Health Research Council, 19(03), 587-595.
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Nepal Health Research Council
Article Type: Original Article
Keywords: COVID-19
Series/Report no.: July-Sep, 2021;3649
Abstract: Abstract Background: Pandemic of COVID-19 has engulfed Nepal as well. In this paper, we studied the demographic, clinical, laboratory findings as well as the treatment modalities, prognostic factors and outcome of patients admitted with COVID-19. Methods: This was an observational cross-sectional study that included all patients admitted to the General Medicine Department of College of Medical Sciences, Bharatpur, during the first wave of COVID-19 from April 2020 to February 2021 after obtaining the ethical clearance. Data analysis was done using statistical packages for social sciences version 16. Results: A total of 119 patients with mean age of 61.5 years were admitted. They had a mean duration of onset of symptoms of 7.1 days. Commonest symptoms were fever (70.6%), cough (67.2%) and dyspnea (64.7%). Severe COVID-19 at admission with a median CT severity score of 15 was found in 49.7% of them. Total 83.2% patients required ICU care and 10.9% required mechanical ventilation. ARDS and secondary infection occurred in 17.6% each. Median length of hospital stay was 6 days. In total, 56.3% recovered 27.7% left against medical advice and 16.0% expired. Severity of COVID at admission, CT severity score at presentation and D-dimer at admission were found to be significantly associated with mortality (P<0.05).Neither of the age, duration of illness, CRP at admission nor the use of remdesivir or convalescent plasma had significant relation with the mortality (P>0.05). Conclusions: Severity of illness at presentation, CT severity score and D-dimer level at admission are significantly associated with mortality of the patients admitted with COVID-19. Keywords: COVID-19; prognosis; SARS-CoV-2
Description: Original Article
ISSN: Print ISSN: 1727-5482; Online ISSN: 1999-6217
Appears in Collections:Vol. 19 No. 03 (2021): Vol 19 No 3 Issue 52 Jul-Sep 2021

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