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Title: Mimicker of Renal Colic: Mesenteric Panniculitis
Authors: Canan, A
Citation: CananA. (2016). Mimicker of Renal Colic: Mesenteric Panniculitis. Journal of Nepal Health Research Council, 14(2).
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Nepal Health Research Council
Article Type: Case Study
Case Study
Keywords: Computed tomography
Mesenteric panniculitis
Renal colic
Series/Report no.: May-Aug, 2016;803
Abstract: Abstract A Mesenteric panniculitis is an uncommon disorder with unknown etiology. It may cause nonspesific abdominal or systemic symptoms. Radiological modalitis especially computed tomography are very helpful to make a diagnosis. Hence, the radiologist should be familiar with its tomographic findings to avoid further examinations and unnecessary surgery. We report computed tomography findings of mesenteric panniculitis in an adult patient with renal colic. Keywords: Computed tomography; mesenteric panniculitis; renal colic.
Description: Case Study
ISSN: Print ISSN: 1727-5482; Online ISSN: 1999-6217
Appears in Collections:Vol. 14 No. 2 Issue 33 May-Aug 2016

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