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Title: Community engagement towards promoting rational antimicrobials use in two municipalities of Lalitpur district, Nepal
Authors: Jha, Nisha
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: 24th FERCAP International Conference
Keywords: Community engagement
promoting rational antimicrobia
Abstract: Community engagement towards promoting rational antimicrobials use in two municipalities of Lalitpur district, Nepal Nisha Jha, Sajala Kafle, Mili Joshi, Aakriti Pandy, Prakriti Koirala, Shital Bhandary, Pathiyil Ravi Shankar
Description: Presentation.
Appears in Collections:DAY I: Parallel Sessions 3C: Ethical Issues in Public Health Research: Chairs: Vicentre Belizario & Sujan Babu Marahatta, "Hall-C" 15:45-17:15 (Session 3C)

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