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Title: Present Status of Traditional Medicines and Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Related Resources and Organizations in Nepal
Other Titles: Traditional Medicine
Authors: Koirala, RR
Khaniya, BN
Issue Date: 2009
Keywords: knowledge
medicinal and aromatic plants
traditional healers
traditional medicines
Abstract: Background: Traditional medical system has close relationship with the nature and natural resources. Preservation of traditional medical systems and preservation of natural resources are the two sides of a coin. Indigenous knowledge not only identifies but also provides the system of management of natural resources. The objective of this study was to review present situation of indigenous medical knowledge and its resources and activities of government and non-government organization in this sector. Methods: Various localities including Kathmandu valley, Biratnagar, Pokhara, Banke and Bardiya were visited to collect relevant data and information. Besides, data and information were gathered surfing websites of various national level organizations and telephone talk with the concerned persons. In course of the study information based on about 150 traditional healers from the visited areas, nearly 5 dozens I/NGOs working in the sectors of medicinal and aromatic plants and Ayurveda were documented. Results: Research/scholarly articles published in various national and international journals, specimen taken by international research institutions etc have been threatening the local resources and knowledge rather than their preservation and promotion since no laws, acts, rules and regulations have been developed to protect them resulting in their easy piration. Traditional medical practitioners and medical knowledge holders are not in natural resource list and they are in a state of extinction/erosion, codified knowledge or prior arts, non codified knowledge or practices or technologies are under serious threat. Conclusions: Steps must be taken to identify traditional healers in the country, document their knowledge and identify the locally used medicinal plants and other resources.
Appears in Collections:Research Abstract

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