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Title: Herbal Practices in Salyan District: A Field Survey
Authors: Puri, Rupendra, Dr.
Issue Date: 2008
Publisher: Nepal Health Research Council
Keywords: Herbal Practices
Abstract: This study was carried out in Salyan district. The indigenous knowledge regarding ethno medicine and folklore remedies acquired by long experience which is in threatened stage and also in scattered form was traced out and recorded. The medicinal plants that are used locally in Salyan district in different disease were collected for herbarium specimen. Their local names, scientific names, family names, method of usage, dosage and duration of treatment provided by the informants were also collected and analyzed scientifically. Altogether 74 species of higher plants belonging to 48 families have been recorded here having different traditional medicinal properties. 12 species of them were in unidentified forms (seed, stem, root, fruit, cut pieces, leaf, gum etc). The Main source of information was field survey which includes structured questionnaire, interview and personal observation. The data was collected in all the eleven illakas of Salyan District to represent the respondents from all over the district. Questions in the questionnaire and the interviewed questions were almost similar. A total of ninety two (92) famous traditional healers were given the questionnaires and eighty four (84) returned the completed questionnaires with their perspectives means nine percent of the TH didn’t respond us. The mean work experience was 4 years and the mean number of patients visiting for the treatment to TH was 2 per day in Salyan district. There were mainly 20 questions for respondents. The reason in making such questionnaire was to make clear about the family as well as individual background of the respondents, his/her knowledge, experience, attitude etc, besides particular knowledge in medicinal plants. According to the ethical consideration, the purpose, scope, methods, benefit and approximate time of engagement was politely informed to related institutions and organizations prior to the data collection. Objectives General • To explore the herbal practice in Salyan district. Specific • To identify the medicinal plants used in Salyan district. • To identify the methods of treatment and the use of herbs treating various diseases. • To explore and preserve the traditional knowledge of local people
metadata.dc.description.sponsorship: Nepal Health Research Council
Appears in Collections:Post Graduate Grant (PG) Reports

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