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dc.contributor.authorGautam, K
dc.description.abstractBackground: In the context of Nepal, adolescents lack access to reproductive health information. Most of them get their first information about sexuality from their peer whose views are often inaccurate and based on rumor. Nowadays sexual activities have become more acceptable among youth and the society in general. Pre-marital sex has given rise to a range of alarming problems. Teenage pregnancies pose many problems in the society. Up to a certain extent, sexual permissiveness is encouraged by sexual message conveyed through the mass media. The school could play praiseworthy role and the teacher could be the best educators to educate their students about the human sexuality. They can help to change the pre-occupied values and fear of opponents of sex education and reproductive health with logical arguments. The present study was therefore carried out to identify the attitudes and opinions of secondary school teachers regarding the inclusion of sex education and reproductive health in secondary school curriculum. Methods: The study was carried out in Kathmandu district. Twenty public and private schools were chosen purposively. From each school, five teachers were selected from the secondary level using random method. The questionnaire schedule was used as a tool of data collection.. Simple numerical treatment like number and percentage were used for data analysis and interpretation. Results: Majority of the high school teachers showed their good attitude towards the necessity of curriculum about sex education and reproductive health. Majority of respondents were found hopeful with the aforesaid curriculum to overcome narrow thinking about sexuality, to get safe from sexually transmitted diseases and the problems of early pregnancies. Majority of the teachers opinioned in favor of the curriculum. However 35% teachers ignored the same for some reasons. Regarding the content to be placed in the curriculum, human sexuality, sexually transmitted diseases, anatomy and physiology of reproductive organs, care of reproductive organs etc were suggested by the teachers. Majority of teachers suggested both text books and audio-visual materials are to be selected to make teaching learning activities more effective. Conclusions: Sex education and reproductive health as on one of the subject area should be introduced in the Nepalese society in the Nepalese secondary schools within the context of traditional beliefs, values and behavioral and educational norms of the society. Keywords: high school teachers; inclusion; sex education and reproductive health.en_US
dc.subjecthigh school teachersen_US
dc.subjectsex education and reproductive healthen_US
dc.titleAn Opinionnaire Survey of High School Teachers regarding the Inclusion of Sex Education and Reproductive Health in Secondary School Curriculumen_US
dc.title.alternativeReproductive Healthen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Research Abstract

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