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Results 21-29 of 29 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
469.pdf.jpg2005Prevalence of Lymphatic Filariasis in Districts of Eastern Nepal: A population based cross sectional household surveyAgrawal, Chandra Sekhar, Dr,; Jha, Nilambar, Dr.; Khanal, Basudha, Dr.; Agrawal, Sudha, Dr.; B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Science, Dharan, Nepal
463.pdf.jpg2005Baseline study on EU/UNFPA reproductive health initiative for youth in Asia program in Nepal (RHIYA): Quantitative ResearchValley Research Group (VaRG)
459 A.pdf.jpg2005A field guide for detection, management and surveillance of arsenicosis casesWorld Health Organization; Caussy, Eoraj
477.pdf.jpg2005A study on the smoking habit among teenagers and youths in Kathmandu valleyKhanal, Anuradha; Grandon, Kundu; Shrestha, Pooja; Shakya, Bandana
476.pdf.jpg2005Final Report on Consensus Building on Applicability of an Appropriate Waste Disposal System within Health Care Institutions of Pokhara Sub-metropolitan CityNepal Health Research Council (NHRC); World Health Organization; Pyakural, Rajesh; Bijukachhe, Bijaya; Vaidya, Bhumika; Singh, Lalini
470.pdf.jpg2005Prevallence of tuberculosis among HIV infected persons of KathmanduGhimire, Prakash, Dr.; Rijal, Basista Prasad, Dr.; Sharma, Sashi, Dr.; Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC)
468.PDF.jpg2005Comparative Study of Intact Parathyroid Hormone, Calcium, Phosphate And Radiological Changes In Patients With End Stage Renal Disease On Maintenance Haemodialysis And Newly Diagnosed End Stage Renal DiseaseHada, Rajani, Dr.; Khakurel, Sudha, Dr.; Agrawal, Rajendra Kumar, Dr.
461A.pdf.jpg2005Utilization of safe motherhood practices in rural area of western Nepal: A study of kumal community in Hastichaur Village GulmiNepal Health Research Council (NHRC); Khatri, Bishnu Bahadur
475.pdf.jpg2005A Report on Community Health Diagnosis of Alapot VDC, KathmanduK.C., Bimala; Tandan, Meera; Bhidhya, Sweety; Sharma, Biratsharma; Das, Diipika; Bhattarai, Rekha; Basnet, Syaron; Thapa, Janak