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Results 31-40 of 386 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
544.pdf.jpg2008Herbal Practices in Salyan District: A Field SurveyPuri, Rupendra, Dr.
526.pdf.jpg2008Assessment of management by LHFMC in decentralized health facilitiesMinistry of Health and Population
508.pdf.jpg2007Free oral health camp oral health survey with awareness activities at Kuwakot VDC of Syanja districtNepal Health Research Council (NHRC); Health Research and Development Centre
487.pdf.jpg2006An analytical report on Female community health volunteers (FCHVs) of NepalUSAID; NEW ERA
530.PDF.jpg2008Equity in Health in Nepal: A study reportAcharya, Suniti
631.pdf.jpg2007Review of the National HIV Surveillance System: Strengthening the HIV second generation surveillance in Nepal-
488.pdf.jpg2006Final Report on Development of Profile of Toxic Waste Products in NepalNepal Health Research Council (NHRC); World Health Organization; Shrestha, Iswori Lal, Dr.
465.pdf.jpg2005Research on Adolescent Reproductive Health in Six High Schools in KailaliNepal Health Research Council (NHRC); CENTER FOR INTEGRATED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (CICD)
514.pdf.jpg2007Knowledge and practice of parents on childhood immunization of Mushar community in Morang district, Nepal district, NepalNepal Health Research Council (NHRC); Subba, Bhim Bahadur; Rana, Hari Bahadur; Ansari, Muftar
540.pdf.jpg2007The Influence of Male Partners in Pregnancy Decision-Making and Outcomes in Nepal: Executive SummaryCenter for Research on Environment Health and Population Activities (CREHPA)