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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
521.pdf.jpg2008Gender differences delays in initiating tuberculosis treatment among tuberculosis patients, Far-Western Development RegionNepal Health Research Council (NHRC)
539.pdf.jpg2008Prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis among HIV infected persons in Pokhara, Kaski, NepalVerma, Sharat C, Dr.
RES01041-MoHP-2020.pdf.jpg2020National tuberculosis prevalence survey reportMoHP
500.pdf.jpg2007Nepal National tuberculosis programme report of the National tuberculosis surveyDevelopment For International Development (DFID)
583.pdf.jpg2009Indoor Air Pollution as a Risk Factor for Pulmonary TuberculosisSmith, Kirk R, Professor
470.pdf.jpg2005Prevallence of tuberculosis among HIV infected persons of KathmanduGhimire, Prakash, Dr.; Rijal, Basista Prasad, Dr.; Sharma, Sashi, Dr.; Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC)