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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
fswseroprevalencekathnepal2001.pdf.jpg2001Kathmandu Female Sex Workers Sero Prevalence Study (March 2001 – August 2001)Family Health International; USAID
285.pdf.jpg2001Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of secondary and higher secondary students towards sexuality and reproductive health behavioursNepal Health Research Council (NHRC); Bista, Satish
300.pdf.jpg2001Epidemiological study of microfilariasis in three different geographical regions of NepalNepal Health Research Council (NHRC); Manandhar, Renu
295.pdf.jpg2001Kathmandu FSW seroprevalence study (March 2001-August 2001)Family Health International/Nepal
306.pdf.jpg2001Baseline survey for world food programme's (WFP) maternal and child health (MCH) supplementary feeding project in Dadeldhura and Doti districtsNEW ERA; World Food Programme (WFP)
239.pdf.jpg2001Report outcome of pregnancy in relationship to antenatal care at Maternity Hospital, ThapathaliSharma, Rajyalaxmi, Dr.; Upadhye, Meera, Dr.; Paropkar Maternity Hospital
292.pdf.jpg2001A study on awareness and attitude of school teachers of Dharan towards teaching sex education in SchoolsNepal Health Research Council (NHRC); Sharma, Kalpana; Parajuli, Pratima
286.pdf.jpg2001Determinarion of antibiotic resistant gram negative urinary pathogens in pediatric patient at Kanti Children HospitalDhital, Saphala
549.pdf.jpg2001Report On Consumption and Quantification of Modern Drugs for Human Use in NepalPharmaceutical Horizon of Nepal (PHON); Department of Drug Administration (DDA)
287.pdf.jpg2001A study on drug abuse relapse and treatment in Kathmandu ValleyNepal Health Research Council (NHRC); Pun, Chitrakala; Niraula, Pooja