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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
478.pdf.jpg2005Operationalization of environmental health ipmact assessment (EHIA) guidelines thorugh the formation of a national streeeing committee (NSC)Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC); World Health Organization
484.pdf.jpg2005Follow-up Study on Adoption of National Health Care Waste Management Guidelines at Health Care Institution at KathmanduNepal Health Research Council (NHRC); World Health Organization; Poudel, Kapur; Acharya, Arun; Pokharel, Smritee
472.pdf.jpg2005A Report on Detection and Management of Arsenicosis in the Selected Local Communities of Terai Regions of NepalNepal Health Research Council (NHRC); World Health Organization; Pathak, L.R., Dr.
473.pdf.jpg2005Impact Assessment of the Training Conducted in the past of Health Care Waste ManagementNepal Health Research Council (NHRC); World Health Organization; Basyal, Vikram
459 A.pdf.jpg2005A field guide for detection, management and surveillance of arsenicosis casesWorld Health Organization; Caussy, Eoraj
476.pdf.jpg2005Final Report on Consensus Building on Applicability of an Appropriate Waste Disposal System within Health Care Institutions of Pokhara Sub-metropolitan CityNepal Health Research Council (NHRC); World Health Organization; Pyakural, Rajesh; Bijukachhe, Bijaya; Vaidya, Bhumika; Singh, Lalini