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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
IBBS_FSWs & BSS_Clients_KTM Final-Apr2004.pdf.jpg2005Integrated Bio-behavioral Survey (IBBS) among Female Sex Workers and Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BSS) among Clients in Kathmandu Valley – 2004Family Health International; USAID
471.pdf.jpg2005Arsenic Vulnerability in Groundwater Resources in Kathmandu ValleyEnvironmental and Public Health Organization (ENPHO); Shrestha, Bhushan R., PhD; Shrestha, Kabita B., PhD; Shrestha, Suresh D., PhD; Maharhan, Makhan
IBBS_IDUs_Ktm Final Report-2005.pdf.jpg2005Integrated Bio-Behavioral Survey (IBBS) Among Male Injecting Drug Users (IDUs) in The Kathmandu Valley 2005Family Health International; NEW ERA; SACTS
477.pdf.jpg2005A study on the smoking habit among teenagers and youths in Kathmandu valleyKhanal, Anuradha; Grandon, Kundu; Shrestha, Pooja; Shakya, Bandana