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Results 1-10 of 14 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
NCDIs_2023_0001.jpg.jpg2023Assessment of Non-communicable diseases and injuries (NCDIs) among children in selected tertiary level hospitals in NepalNHRC
HSB-REPORT-Final-2.pdf.jpg2023Factors affecting health-seeking behaviour among people in Nepal: Exploratory study on Institutional delivery, routine child immunization and COVID-19 vaccinationNHRC
Childhood-NCDI-report.pdf.jpg2023Assessment of non-communicable diseases and injuries among children in selected tertiary level hospitals in NepalNHRC
Final Report for NHRC.pdf.jpg2023Perceived social support and attitude of women towards menopause in KaskiThapaliya, Rekha
Main Report for NHRC_Sept 2023.pdf.jpg2023A study report on the effects of COVID-19 on the working and supporting staff in the hospital of Bagmati Province.Gautam, Thoya; Sharma, Sahanshila
A Report on Maternal Mortality.pdf.jpg2023A report on maternal mortality 2078Ministry of Health and Population; Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministries; National Statistics Office
NMMS_Infographics_Lumbini.pdf.jpg2023नेपाल मातृ मृत्यू अध्ययन २०७८; लुम्बिनी प्रदेशको तथ्यगत सारGovernment of Nepal; Ministry of Health and Population; Ramshahpath, Kathmandu, Nepal
NMMS_Infographics_Koshi.pdf.jpg2023नेपाल मातृ मृत्यू अध्ययन २०७८; कोशी प्रदेशको तथ्यगत सारGovernment of Nepal; Ministry of Health and Population; Ramshahpath, Kathmandu, Nepal
NMMS_Infographics_Bagmati.pdf.jpg2023नेपाल मातृ मृत्यु अध्ययन २०७८; बागमती प्रदेशको तथ्यगत सारGovernment of Nepal, Ministry of Health and Population Ramshahpath, Kathmandu, Nepal
NMMS_Infographics_Karnali.pdf.jpg2023नेपाल मातृ मृत्यू अध्ययन २०७८; कर्णाली प्रदेशको तथ्यगत सारGovernment of Nepal; Ministry of Health and Population; Ramshahpath, Kathmandu, Nepal