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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Fact sheet - Preparedness and Readiness of Government of Nepal Designated COVID Hospitals.pdf.jpg2020Assessment of health-related country preparedness and readiness of Nepal for responding to COVID-19 PandemicGyanwali, Pradip; Bista, Navindra Raj; Khadka, Mira; Vaidya, Anju; Mahato, Namra Kumar; Karn, Mukesh Kumar; Pant, Suman; Ghimire, Namita; Pokhrel, Anil; Dhimal, Meghnath
Fact sheet - Preparedness and Readiness of Government of Nepal Designated Hospital-running-COVID Clinics.pdf.jpg2020Assessment of health-related country preparedness and readiness of Nepal for responding to COVID-19 pandemicGyanwali, Pradip; Bista, Navindra Raj; Khadka, Mira; Vaidya, Anju; Mahato, Namra Kumar; Karn, Mukesh Kumar; Pant, Suman; Ghimire, Namita; Pokhrel, Anil; Dhimal, Meghnath
RES001030_NHRC_2021.pdf.jpg2021Compassionate use of remdesir and convalescent plasma therapy for the treatment of COVID-19 infection in Nepal: a prospective observational studyGyanwali, Pradeep; Bhattarai, Saroj; Dhimal, Meghnath
Fact sheet - Preparedness and Readiness of Government of Nepal Designated COVID Hospitals.pdf.jpg2020Assessment of health-related country preparedness and readiness of Nepal for responding to COVID-19 PandemicGyanwali, Pradip; Bista, Navindra Raj; Khadka, Mira; Vaidya, Anju; Mahato, Namra Kumar; Karn, Mukesh Kumar; Pant, Suman; Ghimire, Namita; Pokhrel, Anil; Dhimal, Meghnath
Childhood-NCDI-report.pdf.jpg2023Assessment of non-communicable diseases and injuries among children in selected tertiary level hospitals in NepalNHRC
Factsheet-Adults-1.pdf.jpg2020National mental health survey, Nepal - 2020NHRC, Nepal Health Research Council
ECM - Main Report.pdf.jpg2024Behavioural determinants of child marriage and adolescent pregnancy in Nepal: A qualitative studyNHRC, UNICEF
NMMS_Infographics_SudurPaschim.pdf.jpg2023नेपाल मातृ मृत्यू अध्ययन २०७८; सुदूरपश्चिम प्रदेशको तथ्यगत सारGovernment of Nepal; Ministry of Health and Population; Ramshahpath, Kathmandu, Nepal
FWD NFPP Adolescent Family Planning Operational Research July 2021.pdf.jpg2021Effectiveness of sakshyam kishor kishori intervention on family planning (FP) uptake among married adolescent girls in selected districts of Nepal-
RES01037-NHRC-2021.pdf.jpg2021Status of menstrual hygiene management among adolescent girls of Nepal: policy brief-