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dc.contributor.authorShrestha, D P
dc.description.abstractSkin diseases are the most common health problems, for which community members seek health care in Nepal. Skin diseases are responsible for severe disabilities and are among the major cause of social stigmatization. There is significant impact of skin diseases in the quality of life of the community members. Most skin diseases are preventable and treatable. This is a community based cross sectional descriptive study. First a baseline household survey was done in Talku dudhechaur VDC. Then 4 health camps were conducted in the same VDC, during which skin diseases were diagnosed. The patients diagnosed with chronic and/or severe skin diseases were interviewed with DLQI questionnaire with additional questions. The overall prevalence was 20.1%, with a slightly higher prevalence in females (22.5%) than males (18%). The prevalence of skin diseases in children was 28.1%. The DLQI score ranged from 7 to 19 with a mean score of 10.7±3.2. Among all skin diseases, five groups of disorders – eczemas, pigmentary disorders, acne, urticaria & pruritus – were the skin problems with highest prevalence and highest impact on the quality of life of the community members. The 10 most common skin diseases seen were eczemas, pigmentary disorders, palba, acne, urticaria, moles & lumps, pruritus, viral infections, pyodermas & fungal infections. Skin diseases were very common in Talku dudhechaur VDC. The prevalence was highest in children. Skin diseases had very significant impact in the quality of life of the community members. Five group of disorders – eczemas, pigmentary disorders, acne, urticaria & pruritus – were the skin problems with highest prevalence and highest impact in the quality of life of the community members. These constituted 77.6% of all skin diseases seen in the community. Common skin problems are easily preventable and treatable at the community and primary health care level. A coordinated and timely intervention towards prevention and management of skin diseases is essential for overall health development of the Nepalese population.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNepal Health Research Council (NHRC)en_US
dc.publisherNepal Health Research Councilen_US
dc.subjectSkin Diseasesen_US
dc.titleSkin Diseases: Prevalence and Impact in the Quality of Life of the Community Members in a Rural VDCen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Post Graduate Grant (PG) Reports

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