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Title: Assessment of Medical / Health Agencies designated as Research Centres in Nepal
Authors: Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC)
Ministry of Health and Population
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Nepal Health Research Council
Keywords: Assessment of Medical / Health Agencies designated as Research Centres in Nepal
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC) Act (1991) has given more emphasis to regulate various kinds of health research activities in the country. This is basically to protect the rights and safety of human participants involved in the health research. National Ethical Guideline for Health Research (2001) stressed some direction towards conducting health research with application of ethical principles, but most of the organizations/individuals that are conducting health research in Nepal are not taking informed consent from the study participants, thus violating the rights and safety of such participants. Majority of organizations/individuals are not interested to submit their research proposal for ethical approval from any recognized review boards/committees.Moreover, most of medical/health agencies (hospitals, polyclinics, NGOs etc.) designated as research centres were reluctant to collaborate and networking with each other. It has been argued that putting the word “Research” in any agency’s name made easier to get the various things (equipments, medical supplies etc.) from abroad without paying or paying minimum or discounted government tax than others.It has been stated that more than 75 percent of the research centres that are functioning in the country are not conducting any health research although they have written the word “research” in their signboard. Study revealed that such practices were done to make their agency’s name fancy and catchy for the public to draw their attention. It seems that the most of the agencies/organizations are using the word “research” for the purpose of their business strategy, probably not at all for the purpose of uplifting the health research scenario in the country. Ministry of Health & Population (MoHP) has provisioned that each and every centres that are holding “Research” word in their title name should have to conduct at least two researches per year in different topics of their relevant health areas with the permission from NHRC. If such research centres couldn’t able to conduct any health researches within the period of two years after its establishments, the MoHP may warn such centres and they will have to take out the word “Research” from their signboard and relevant documents. It was a matter of huge discussion in the year 2005, not only in the national newspaper, but also in the famous TV channel (Image), run by the well-known TV artist named Mr.Kedar Khadka. Since then, NHRC and MoHP couldn’t able to look back with their propositions and commitments to regulate such mal-practices in health research in the country. However, NHRC went on advocating the situations in different forums and meetings. Now, the time has come to initiate the same thing in different perspectives. In this context, NHRC would like to update the number of Medical/Health Agencies (Hospitals, Polyclinics, NGOs etc.) designated as Research Centres established since 15 July 2005 to 31 December 2010, and assess those research centres that came into functional before 15 July 2005.
Appears in Collections:Post Graduate Grant (PG) Reports

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