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Title: Prostate cancer management: long-term beliefs, epidemic developments in the early twenty-first century and 3PM dimensional solutions
Authors: Kucera, Radek
Pecen, Ladislav
Topolcan, Ondrej
Dahal, Anshu Raj
Costigliola, Vincenzo
Giordano, Frank
Golubnitschaja, Olga
Issue Date: 2020
Keywords: Predictivepreventivepersonalisedmedicine(PPPM .3PM)
Prostatecancer(PCa) .Multi-factorialsystemicdisease
Radical prostatectomy . Castration resistant
Disease manifestation
Circulating tumour cells (CTC)
Patient stratification
Abstract: In the early twenty-first century, societies around the world are facing the paradoxal epidemic development of PCa as a non- communicable disease. PCa is the most frequently diagnosed cancer for men in several countries such as the USA. Permanently improving diagnostics and treatments in the PCa management causes an impressive divergence between, on one hand, perma- nently increasing numbers of diagnosed PCa cases and, on the other hand, stable or even slightly decreasing mortality rates. Still, aspects listed below are waiting for innovate solutions in the context of predictive approaches, targeted prevention and personalisation of medical care (PPPM / 3PM).
Appears in Collections:NHRC Research Report

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