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Title: Evaluation of serum calcium and vitamin D: A comparative study between pre-menopause and post-menopause women
Authors: Dhungana, Arun
Pandeya, Arun
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: 24th FERCAP International Conference
Keywords: Serum Calcium
Vitamin D
Pre-menopause women
post-menopause women
Abstract: Menopauseisanaturalbiologicalprocessthatmarkstheendofawoman'sreproductiveyears.It is defined as permanent cessation of menstruation and fertility
Description: Presentation
Appears in Collections:DAY I: Parallel Sessions 2A: Ethics Review of Social Science Research: Chairs: Cristina Torres; Madhusudan Subedi, "Hall-A" 13:30-15:00 (Session 2)

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